
2020 Annual General Meeting – Minutes

The Annual General Meeting of the Rationalist Society of Australia Inc. was held at 7:30 pm AEDT on Wednesday 21 October 2020.

Due to COVID-19, this AGM was not held in-person as was the case in previous years. Instead, the 2020 AGM was held via Zoom.

The President’s Report 2020

2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes

1. Formal matters

Election of a chair

Dr Meredith Doig (RSA President) was elected as chair of the meeting.

Moved: Christopher Noonan    Seconded: Greg Kasarik

Attendees and Apologies

  • In attendance (34)
Name Name Name Name
Rosemary Watson Luke Beck Leslie Allan Maxwell Campbell
Meredith Doig Jeff Lerner Con Karavas Ralph Catts
Aziz Islam Nick Lee Rod Bower Gaye Mason
Leo Brewin Chris Noonan Brendan Liveris Steve Munro
Ken Derrick Brigitte Battova Craig Sankey John Hutchinson
Greg Kasarik Barry Clearwater Keith Birney Leanne McDonald
Tanya Watkins Vicki Caulfield Robert van de Graaff Michael Henry
Elizabeth Dangerfield Jeremy Lawrence Thomas Hannah Chris Botha
Stella Thomas Hugh Sarjeant
  • Apologies (29)
Name Name Name Name
Sujai Thomman Geoff Green Joel Murray Xiao Cheng Chen
Brian Wilder Victor Franco John Barrell Christopher Brown
Nicholas Wade Ray Lakeman Oliver Berckmans Zachary Reynders
Nicholas Fowler Russell Cameron David Brew David Goss
Paul Monk Ian McLeod John Smyrk Judith Hoy
Phillip Edwards Deirdree Wallwork Thomas Gengenbach Paul Meo
Douglas Leverett Jim Howe Ross Seaman Peter Consandine
Nigel Sinnott
  • Proxies (49)
Name Proxy Name Proxy
Victor Franco Meredith Doig Rex Williams Meredith Doig
Derek O’Reilly Chair Phillip Sweeney Meredith Doig
David Swanton Chair Kevin McDonald Meredith Doig
Donald Humphries Meredith Doig John Downey Chair
Rohan Navaratne Chair Julian Jordan Chair
Alfred Flatow Chair Walter Frank Chair
Ferdinand Klesch Chair Anthony Sunderland Meredith Doig
Jenny Stonier Meredith Doig Margaret Gawler Meredith Doig
David Walsh Chair Bruce Fisher Meredith Doig
Geoffrey Lennie Chair Christopher Hall Chair
Adrian Gargett Chair Patrick Weir Chair
Glyn Cryer Meredith Doig Victor Stevens Chair
Jon Cook Chair Yvonne Patterson Meredith Doig
John Bryson Chair Gary Wilson Chair
Hussain Alrikabi Chair Grahame Beecroft Chair
Phillip Edwards Chair Mathew Withoos Chair
Jack Dikian Chair Bronwen Long Chair
David Stimson Meredith Doig David Slatyer Chair
Simon Rouse Chair Matthew Goddard Chair
Greg Norton Meredith Doig Charl Nienaber Chair
Jacquie Connolly Meredith Doig Brett Connolly Meredith Doig
William Greer Chair Romola Wilkinson Chair
Lyle Allan Meredith Doig Dominic Kelly Chair
John Timlin Chair Angus Muir Chair
Graziano Birgi Chair


The RSA Rules specify that a quorum comprises the lesser of 10% of the members entitled to vote, or 40 members entitled to vote. There being 34 Members present and 49 proxies, a quorum was achieved.

2. Minutes of the last AGM 

To read the Minutes of the 2019 AGM, please click here.

Motion 2.1: It was moved and carried without dissent that the Minutes of the 2019 AGM be accepted as a true record.

Moved: Ralph Catts     Seconded: Leanne McDonald

There is no formal business arising from the Minutes of the last AGM, though a question was asked about whether the RSA invested its funds in ethical investments. This was addressed in the President’s Report.

3. Reports

President’s report

Motion 3.1: It was moved and carried without dissent that the President’s report be noted.

Moved: Jeff Lerner     Seconded: Luke Beck

Treasurer’s report

Motion 3.2: It was moved and carried that the Treasurer’s report be adopted.

Moved: Ken Derrick     Seconded: Max Campbell

4. Election of a Committee

As per the RSA Rules, the committee of the RSA comprises at least five and not more than seven members (Rule 44). 

Motion 4.1: There being seven nominations received, it was moved and carried without dissent that a committee of seven be elected, comprising: Meredith Doig, Luke Beck, Brendan Liveris, Chris Botha, Stella Thomas, Vicki Caulfield, and Christopher Noonan.

Moved: Jeff Lerner     Seconded: Nick Lee

5. General business

At the 2019 AGM, a question was asked about whether the RSA invested its funds in ethical investments. RSA member Ralph Catts followed up his question with a well-considered paper on the issue. The Financial Advisory Subcommittee has investigated this issue and after careful consideration, decided to re-allocate the RSA’s investments partially to ethical funds. This will be carefully monitored over the next 12 months.

6. Next meeting

The next AGM will be held between 1 July and 30 November 2021. The Committee of Management will decide the actual date and notify members at least 21 days prior.

All the more reason.